Wednesday 27 May 2009

The Final Film

February Snow™ from Ben Murray on Vimeo.

final screenshots

Here are three final screenshots from the film.
Below is an early piece of concept artwork to compare with.

Tuesday 19 May 2009

final tweaks and changes...

The film reached a completed stage last week, but i'm spending some time going over a number of the shots and tweaking and ajusting bits to make sure that it's looking its best.
The film has been shortlisted for the animation expose awards show this June and will be appearing on the UH Animation 09 DVD. I'm really excited and hugely thankful for everyone who has been a part of this in some way. The final film should be posted sometime at the end of this week so come and take a look then!

Monday 11 May 2009

The Final Shot

the final shot is finished. the film is complete! Just got a few more days/weeks
of tweaking and re-editing then i'll post some finished screenshots and the film!

Saturday 2 May 2009

we're on the home straight

Above is a screenshot from some of the fusion work i've been doing on the penultimate shot with the whirlwind. I literally took the objects out from max spinning round a central pivot then i've looped certain passes in fusion such as clouds, particles and objects, animated them over time and you get a continuous whirlwind of objects for infinity. Result is pretty good. Since this shot i've reworked the background and i've also put a big light in the middle - the speed of the objects and the eskimo layered over gives a really energetic feel to the shots.
below isn't a shot from the film - this is just a pass i rendered because it looked quite nice.
Anyway. I'm now onto the final shot of the film where he lands back down on the ground. Should take no longer than a day to animate and get the cameras into the right positions - next day rendering and doing the post-production stuff. Then i have the final part of the week to do one or two tweaks before i save the film out for hand-in.